News & Media
Over the last few months, several things have become clear about the use of AI in the legal profession. If law firm management does not adapt, they will fall behind. To read the article, click here.
Will A.I. and Tech Replace Attorneys? No. But it has begun doing a lot of low-level functions already. To read Mr. Shelton's article, click here.
Virtual Law Firms. Brick & Mortar Firms with Virtual Offices. They are real and they are capturing market share. To read Mr. Shelton's article, click here.
If you don’t believe that artificial intelligence is about to have a major impact on the practice of law, consider this: A General Counsel’s Perspective on AI (& ChatGPT). To read Mr. Shelton's article, click here.
In this month's Shelton Shares article, Mr. Shelton interviews Thomson Reuters Kriti Sharm on the future of of Legal AI. To read the article, click here.
Will legal-specific AI replace attorneys and paralegals? No. Attorneys and paralegals who use AI will replace those who don’t. To read the article, click here.
ChatGPT lies! There are serious risks to be aware of for attorneys using AI. To read the article, click here.
Everything from motions to evidence to witnesses to final summations could be guided by or even generated by AI and then QC’d by HEF. To read the article, click here.
Frederick Shelton has been writing about legal AI since 2019, predicting what's to come for the legal industry. To read Mr. Shelton's article, click here.
"Tell me about yourself." is the most common interview question. How do you answer it? Reader's Digest asked Mr. Shelton. To read the article, click here.
While there will always be firms that consider themselves elite because they only hire from Harvard or Yale, there is a growing number of students, clients and private practice attorneys who do not consider such firms elite but rather elitist. To read the article, click here.
In UpJourney Magazine's series, '50+ Good Questions to Ask Recruiters', they asked Erica Shelton her thoughts. To read her answer, click here.
In UpJourney Magazine's series, 'How to Ask for More Time to Consider a Job Offer', they asked Frederick Shelton his thoughts. To read his answer, click here.
UpJourney Magazine quoted Frederick Shelton in their article "How do you know if you did well in an interview?" To read the article, click here.
Frederick Shelton wrote an insightful piece on how attorneys can meet and get more clients through the power of LinkedIn. To read the article, click here.
As Executive Vice President of a national legal search firm, where he oversees the acquisitions department, Mr. Dodd is an expert on strategic screening and formal interview training. To read his article, click here.
Frederick Shelton is the recognized expert in Virtual Law. Bloomberg Law quoted him in their article regarding viable alternatives to BigLaw. To read the article, click here.
To read Mr. Shelton's profile article about entertainment attorney and movie producer, Corky Kessler in Attorney at Law Magazine, click here.
A MUST READ for attorneys looking to build their client base! Frederick Shelton's article on Building & Maintaining a High-Value Network in Attorney at Law. To read the article, click here.
In the ‘70s, a 17-year-old Frederick Shelton found himself homeless at the start of winter. To read how Mr Shelton overcame homelessness due to a single act of kindness, click here.
To view Frederick Shelton's appearance on the TV Show "Life with Style" featuring model & host Shannon Yang,
Frederick Shelton was quoted in Forbes about whether the salaries listed for attorneys in Glassdoor are accurate. To read the article, click here.
Many legal recruiters engage in a lot of unethical practices. Mr. Shelton covers how to spot and stop them for Attorney at Law. To read the article, click here.